Cause Of Female Hair Loss – Myths And Realities

by Brent Ruyle on January 31, 2011

Confused about the real cause of female hair loss? Want to dispel hair loss myths once and for all?

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This article will explore some of the myths surrounding hair loss. The cause of female hair loss is not always easy to determine, but if you fall prey to myths, scams and misinformation, you’ll never get the problem under control. Read on to find out what is not are not the cause of female hair loss.

Myth: Only men suffer from hereditary hair loss. Reality: Nearly 30 million women in the United State suffer from hair loss that’s genetic. This cause of female hair loss is linked to hormonal imbalances in the body that trigger the same mechanism that occurs in men. Although women rarely go completely bald, they can lose up to 50% of their hair in what’s called “female pattern hair loss.”

Click Here To Learn The Causes Of Female Hair Loss And How To Prevent It!

Myth: The genetic cause of female hair loss is genetic and comes from the mother’s side of the family. Reality: if you’re at risk for genetically-related hair loss, the gene can come from either your mother’s or your father’s side. Hair loss does tend to run in families, so if there are women in your family who have thinning hair, chances are you’re at risk.

Myth: Women lose their hair only after the birth of a baby or during menopause. Reality: Women can begin to experience thinning hair as early as their 20s. The cause of female hair loss here can still be genetic — even at this early age. Women don’t lose hair at the crown and frontal hairline, though. For them it begins just behind the frontal hairline and continues in a diffuse pattern all over the scalp.

Myth: Stress is a cause of female hair loss. Reality: Probably not, unless the stress is traumatic — like a death in the family or other sudden unexpected major life change. Stress-related hair loss, if it occurs at all, happens months after the actual event. More likely causes are scalp disease or poor nutrition due to crash dieting.

Myth: Shedding hair means my hair loss is hereditary. Reality: Every day you normally lose about 100 hairs. Hair has a growth cycle with three stages: growth, transition and dormancy.
About 10% of the hairs on your head are in the dormant phase which means they are not growing. After 3 – 5 months, these dormant hairs fall out and a strong new hair pushes its way to the surface of the scalp. So mild shedding is natural, not a cause of female hair loss.

Myth: If you make it to age 40 with your hair, you’ll keep it. Reality: For women, hair loss is often most severe in menopause which typically begins around age 50. A major cause of female hair loss, menopause can severely impact the hair and scalp. Fluctuating estrogen levels are the culprits here, with the good news that this type of hair loss is treatable.

Myth: Cutting your hair stimulates growth. Reality: Hair follicles are not affected by haircuts. Your hair grows at a steady constant rate with only minor seasonal variations and cutting it is not way to combat the cause of female hair loss.

Myth: A cause of female hair loss can be shampoos and other hair products. Reality: Although in rare cases, an allergic reaction to hair dye can cause the hair to fall out, there is no scientific evidence that shows shampoo or other styling products to be the cause of hair loss. Conversely, they also cannot stimulate hair to grow.

Myth: Clogged follicles on the scalp are the cause of female hair loss. Reality: The oil produced by the scalp is called sebum and is not known to clog follicles. Removing it will not affect hair loss or growth.

Myth: You don’t need to see a doctor to treat hair loss. Reality: Unless you consult a physician about the cause of female hair loss in your specific case, it’s unlikely you’ll find a successful treatment by trial and error. Save time, money and possibly your hair — see a doctor.

Click Here To Learn The Causes Of Female Hair Loss And How To Prevent It!

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